Annual SMC Picnic
On Sunday, August 27, SMC members, as well as friends and spouses, gathered at Anne Baier's house for the annual Scottish Music Club picnic.
Collaboration and Professionalism
Gordon Peery, our musical leader, shares his ponderings as the summer draws to a close.
Meet Scholarship Recipient Katie Hawn
Katie Hawn is part of our growing New Jersey contingent. She will be joining us in September to share tunes she learned at this spring’s Ashokan Spring Fling.
June Jams
NH Scottish Music Club members and guests had several opportunities to get together and have fun with Scottish music during the month of June. On June 4 we gathered for our first official “satellite” session, organized by Gordon Peery, in Nelson. Then on June 11 we met for our regular monthly gathering in Concord. Finally, on June 20, Anne Baier, our president, invited members to her home in Bow to jam with Julie Wyrick who was visiting from California.
Meet Julie from the Left Coast
Longtime member Julie Wyrick currently serves on our Scholarship Committee from her home in California.
May Workshop Recap
Following a brief annual meeting, Ed Pearlman taught us three new tunes while demonstrating more advanced playing techniques.