Meet Scholarship Recipient Katie Hawn
Thanks to Alan and Lillian Wilson and Art Hull, we are building a strong contingent of Scottish musicians in New Jersey. New Jersey member Katie Hawn will be joining us in September to share several tunes she learned at the Ashokan String Fling this past spring, her attendance funded in part by a SMC scholarship. Following is Katie’s story:
The Jersey Jam. That’s Katie leaning in from the right side of the photo.
I met Alan and Lillian in about 2010 when I found the Scottish Music Jersey Jam. Alan had designed the website for Jersey Jam, which I found online somehow. (I don't think it exists anymore as he was the only one with that toolset.) I have been active with Jersey Jam since then. We meet once a month, usually, to play Scottish music and eat, drink, and be merry. Art Hull and Mary have been involved as well and Art suggested I join the SMC as an additional Scottish music opportunity.
I began playing violin in junior high school at my mother’s insistence and found I was quite successful at it. But I hated to practice. In college my mother wanted me to major in violin. But I hated to practice. I dropped it and moved on.
I moved back to New Jersey from Los Angeles in 2006 and periodically, between jobs and housing opportunities, stayed with my mother where she lived in Keyport. My mother was a single active United Methodist pastor. Mike, who lived next door was very handy as he had all the man tools and abilities to come over to fix stuff for her. In exchange, she (a really good cook) would make him homemade meals for lunch. I got to know Mike when he’d come over.
When my mother died in 2009, I was visiting Mike at his house and noticed he had a violin out. I asked to try it. He gave me a side eye, but when I picked it up, it was obvious I knew what I was doing. I hadn't played in 25 years but he encouraged me and started me on Irish music. Then, not interested in memorizing 1000 tunes, a few years later I found the Scottish Music Jam.
I also play with the Rum & Onions contra dance band, and now am being onboarded to a 4-piece contra dance band, Blue Jersey.
Since 2018 I have participated in the Ashokan String Fling Scottish music camp weekend, hosted by Alasdair Fraser and Natalie Haas. I have really enjoyed Alasdair’s teaching style and was very happy to get some help from the NH Scottish Music Club to participate in this year’s camp. Thank you for your generosity!