Granite Skyes

The NH Scottish Music Club publishes a monthly newsletter, Granite Skyes, containing information about upcoming events, member profiles, articles about the history of tunes, and other items of interest.

The first issue of Granite Skyes was published in September of 1988. This is still available as a PDF in our archives, as well as many of the issues since then. (Some have been lost to time.)

In October of 2022, a dedicated team of five musicians began creating our new website which has allowed us to deliver an electronic version of Granite Skyes, beginning in December of 2022.

Back Issues

We publish 10 newsletters during our program year, which runs from September through June.


2023 - CURRENT

2010 - 2022

2000 - 2010

1988 -2000

These are historical issues that trace the beginnings and growth of our group.

If anyone knows of existing copies of newsletters not in yet in the Archive,

please contact us and we’ll make scans available to all.